Drop in Blood Pressure

Meanings of Drop in Blood Pressure

A sudden drop in blood pressure is usually noticeable through the onset of dizziness, tremors, sweating and nausea. The causes and course of the disease can be manifold.

What is a drop in blood pressure?

The clinical picture is also called acute hypotension. Tone is the blood pressure and hypo- means “under the measure”. An uncontrolled drop in blood pressure happens when the brain is no longer adequately supplied with oxygen for reasons that have to be explained in more detail. Dizziness, tremors, ringing in the ears and flickering eyes are the first signs.

According to wholevehicles.com, a circulatory collapse, fainting or shock symptoms are severe cases. As a calculated variable, the blood pressure is regarded as normal within a certain pressure range. The two blood pressure values ​​that are determined are diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

The former is measured in the relaxed heart. The latter measures the pressure when the blood is expelled from the heart. In acute hypotension, the blood pressure drops from an acceptable blood pressure range to a far lower value.


A multitude of different forms are summarized under the term “drop in blood pressure”. The individual causes are therefore manifold. The most common form is exhaustion due to physical overwork while at the same time there is no rest and insufficient fluid balance.

This results in an inadequate blood volume and, at the same time, impaired overall function. The vascular resistance is reduced and the blood flow back to the heart is insufficient. A drop in blood pressure can be a consequence or side effect of the medication taken. A reduced blood flow back to the heart occurs here. Food can also be causally responsible. Certain incompatible foods can cause blood pressure to drop.

More common, however, is a food intolerance that leads to anaphylactic shock. In addition, excessive dieting can cause hypotension. The drop in blood pressure can also be the result of an illness or an accident. Physical or mental illness should be considered as possible causes.

Physically, it could be an acute blood loss, intestinal obstruction, varicose veins, heart failure, stenoses, embolisms and other diseases. In heart failure or heart valve insufficiency, the result is a reduced pumping function of the heart. Psychologically, the sudden drop in blood pressure could result from anxiety symptoms.

It can also be a side effect of a manic-depressive illness. Psychosomatically, it could be a side effect of burnout. In the incipient state of burnout, the sick person works beyond the limit despite exhaustion. As a result, a drop in blood pressure is possible. A hormonal problem can also cause a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Symptoms, ailments & signs

A drop in blood pressure leads to an accelerated heart rate. The increased pulse causes symptoms such as restlessness, nervousness or shortness of breath. Also dizziness may be a sign of low blood pressure because the circuit is disturbed by the falling blood pressure. In severe cases, those affected can collapse, and in particularly severe cases, fainting can occur.

The rapid decrease in blood pressure causes body temperature to drop, especially in the extremities. Patients often get cold. Accordingly, tremors can be another symptom. A clear paleness is also a possible sign. In addition, patients with a drop in blood pressure find it difficult to concentrate.

The dizziness and the increased pulse lead to concentration disorders, which also affect the ability to drive. Signs of fatigue are also symptomatic. In addition, those affected often suffer from headaches. These occur regularly pulsating.

The drop in blood pressure can also be noticeable through the sensory organs. Occasionally, there may be visual disturbances, especially blackness in front of the eyes, and a buzzing or whistling in the ears. If the blood pressure does not regulate itself, there is a risk of hypotension, i.e. blood pressure that is constantly below the normal range.

Diagnosis & course

A blood pressure monitor must be used for the diagnosis. A blood pressure below the physiological range of 110 mmHg in systolic pressure is referred to as hypotension. That is the pressure from the outflowing heart.

At below 90/60 mmHg the drop in blood pressure is to be regarded as dramatic. Diagnosis without a measuring device is based on symptoms such as sweating, tremors, flickering eyes, drowsiness in the head and ringing in the ears. Without a measuring device, the pulse is felt in the carotid artery.

The course of the disease depends on the underlying disease and the general condition of the sick person. He is also dependent on the immediate help that is guaranteed. Under certain circumstances, a drop in blood pressure can be life-threatening.


A drop in blood pressure has many different causes with many complications. For example, this occurs when the body changes from lying to standing. As a complication, dizziness can arise, which can lead to a fit of weakness, in which the risk of injury is very high.

A traumatic brain injury is the most feared injury that can even be life-threatening. Typically, a sharp drop in blood pressure occurs as part of a shock. This leads to an insufficient supply of blood to important organs, so that they can die and fail. The kidneys and the lungs should be mentioned in particular.

Depending on the type of shock, further complications arise. In the case of anaphylactic shock, there is usually also a strong swelling of the airways, so that the person concerned suffers from severe shortness of breath. Cardiogenic shock can result from a heart attack, which, if left untreated, can quickly lead to cardiac death.

Otherwise, this leads to chronic heart failure (cardiac insufficiency), which carries the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. In general, arrhythmias can also lead to a drop in blood pressure. With atrial fibrillation, for example, blood clots develop in the area of ​​the atrium, which can loosen and then lead to pulmonary embolisms or strokes. If left untreated, ventricular fibrillation usually leads directly to sudden cardiac death.

When should you go to the doctor?

The complications to be expected from a drop in blood pressure depend on its cause. If the low blood pressure is due to overwork or malnutrition, changes in body position often lead to severe dizziness or even fainting. In these cases there is an increased risk of injury for the person concerned.

In the event of a fall, fractures or skull injuries cannot be ruled out. The patient almost always has to reckon with bruises and bruises. Fainting spells due to low blood pressure often occur spontaneously and can surprise the patient even in particularly dangerous situations.

If someone holds a glass in their hand when they fall, for example, there is a risk of serious cuts which, if they touch the face, can even lead to disfigurement. Fainting on stairs, escalators or at the wheel of a vehicle is life-threatening for those affected and those around them.

If the drop in blood pressure is the result of an anaphylactic shock, the person concerned is also at risk of death. This disorder often results in severe airway swelling and severe shortness of breath. A circulatory collapse with cardiac arrest is also possible.

In addition, the drop in blood pressure can be due to a severe heart condition which, if left untreated, usually also leads to death.

Treatment & Therapy

Immediate treatment must be given depending on the severity of the acute drop in blood pressure. If the person concerned is responsive and in otherwise good general condition, put your legs higher than your head. If the drop in blood pressure is dramatic, the shock position or the stable side position is recommended.

In the shock position, the blood is returned to the upper half of the body through the raised legs. If the person concerned passes out, he is to be laid in the stable side position. In the event of fainting or a severe drop in blood pressure, a doctor should be called immediately. The blood pressure can be stabilized again with appropriate medication.

Either way, the long-term measure is to eliminate the underlying cause. If the cause can be avoided, this is indicated, i.e. advised. The most effective remedy for a sudden drop in blood pressure is to successfully treat the underlying condition. Good, gentle therapy can be regular cardiovascular exercise.

In consultation with the doctor, the necessary medication should be carried with you, which can be taken if necessary. Yoga and breathing exercises are therapeutically relevant in this disease. By practicing regular relaxation exercises, a stabilization of the cardiovascular system can be achieved. Regular walks and fitness training are also advisable.

Outlook & forecast

An existing drop in blood pressure is not an independent clinical picture, but often merely a symptom of a serious underlying disease. Because of this, an explicit prediction of how the disease will progress is very difficult to predict.

Affected people who suffer from a sudden drop in blood pressure will experience a considerable feeling of dizziness, which can lead to falls and injuries. Furthermore, severe nausea or even vomiting can occur. If there is a particularly sharp drop in blood pressure, up to 600 milliliters of blood can flow into the lower region of the body. The affected person’s brain is briefly supplied with too little blood, which can lead to a fainting attack.

If a drop in blood pressure that occurs remains completely untreated, then the prospect of an independent cure does not look very good. Most of the time, there are serious underlying diseases that make drug and medical treatment indispensable.

A weak heart or irregular heartbeat are often the causes of a sudden drop in blood pressure. If such an underlying disease is present, medical treatment should be given as soon as possible. Timely treatment favors a quick and complete recovery. Failure to do so could result in permanent damage or even death.


Regularity and moderation seem to be important factors. That means eating regularly and drinking enough fluids. A healthy balanced diet is important. Sufficient, regular sleep is also important.

Alcohol consumption, nicotine and intoxicants should be avoided. If the sudden drop in blood pressure results from a stressful situation, care should be taken here as well. Psychological support could help to find the right balance between tension and relaxation.


A drop in blood pressure is usually caused by an underlying disease. Regular follow-up examinations are essential, as otherwise dangerous and serious consequences or complications can arise. Follow-up care for treating hypotension is usually simple and straightforward.

It is important that the doctor’s instructions are always valued. One should adhere to a strict nutrition plan and adopt certain forms of nutrition that maintain blood pressure, with specially prepared nutrition plans that can be created by a qualified nutritionist. A balanced diet is particularly important there.

A glass of lemon juice with salt or sugar, for example, provides quick help in acute cases, which immediately gets the blood pressure going again. Another aftercare measure are regular walks, which stimulate the circulation and distribute the blood evenly in the veins. If an even blood circulation is not achieved by walking in the air alone, compression stockings help, which regulate the pressure equalization of the blood in the body and make it even.

Another important measure for aftercare for affected people is the best possible avoidance of alcohol. Caffeine, on the other hand, is helpful because it stabilizes blood pressure. If these things are observed in the follow-up care for a drop in blood pressure, the chances of improvement or even complete absence of symptoms are very good.

You can do that yourself

A drop in blood pressure can be counteracted with various home remedies and self-measures. As a first measure, however, you should go to your family doctor if your blood pressure fluctuates in order to clarify the causes and rule out serious illnesses.

If the cause is an undersupply, it is usually sufficient to drink enough and to replenish the body’s own mineral reserves through a healthy, balanced diet. A glass of lemon juice with a little salt and sugar promises quick recovery. Even a long walk can naturally increase blood pressure. In the long term, fluctuations in blood pressure can be counteracted through endurance sports.

If the blood pressure suddenly drops, the legs should be raised above the level of the heart. In the long term, compression stockings and suitable drugs help against fluctuations in blood pressure. Those affected should also temporarily refrain from alcohol and other luxury foods. Only caffeine can temporarily stabilize blood pressure, but should be avoided in serious cardiovascular diseases.

Natural remedies such as Kneipp affusions or applications made from mistletoe and heart tension are more effective. Teas made from clove, lemon, coriander, tansy or Icelandic moss also help with a drop in blood pressure.

If the problems persist despite everything, a doctor should be consulted. If there are serious circulatory problems or fainting as a result of a drop in blood pressure, the emergency services should be called.

Drop in Blood Pressure

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